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New Judy Torres Pics plus Sidetracks/Freestyle News

Hello everyone. It’s Swins Fontenelle from Freestyle Universe on and of Sidetracks “Home of Freestyle Fridays” in Sunnyside, Queens in New York City (45-08 Queens Blvd @ 46th St.). The first thing I’d like to share with everyone is all the great pictures taken when the Queen of Freestyle performing at the Freestyle Institution known as Sidetracks this past Friday, March 26th! To view these pics click this link to my online photo albums:

Every single Friday Sidetracks continues to have another great Freestyle act performing! On Friday, April 2nd Pretty Poison and Hanson (of Hanson & Davis) are in the house. On Friday, April 9th Cynthia, Angel Mena (of Vocal Image) and Artie & Legit are all doing their things! On Friday, April 16th Sam Savon and Fascination turn up the heat and on Friday, April 23rd Cyre’, Rene and Grey all take to the stage! Just to let you know; tickets are already on sale for an exclusive Stevie B appearance on May 7th!!

Over at Freestyle Universe we’re all psyched out for our upcoming 1-hour all-Freestyle prime time airing of Freestyle Universe on the Aurelia Show! Sal Abbatiello, Tony Garcia, Big Al Jankowsky, MKG and Freddy Lopez will be talking freestyle and we’ve recently added Willie Valentin!%

via New Judy Torres Pics plus Sidetracks/Freestyle News – ClubFreestyle, Freestyle Music and Lifestyle..

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