Celebrating 25 Years Celebrating 25 Years


  • freestylemania wrote a new post 15 years ago

    APRIL is finally back!

    Listening Party & Live Chat with April coming soon (See her website)

    She’s also on Twitter @TheAprilProject

    and new single is “HOLD ON” featuring Tito Puente Jr

  • freestylemania wrote a new post 15 years ago

    London Exchange 2008- Update


    Formed in 1988 London Exchange brought together elements from there new wave/alternative past with the dance/freestyle scene that was taking off in miami and new york […]

  • freestylemania wrote a new post 15 years ago


    Sammy Zone and Carlos Berrios, It doesn’t get any better than that!!! Sammy Zone is back with a HOT new track titled, “Without You,” done by none other than the legendary pioneering freestyle […]

  • freestylemania wrote a new post 15 years ago


    During the Mid 1980s, Maria Christensen & Angie Vallero, better known as “Sequal” were tearing up the club pop charts. Founded by legendary producer, Lewis Martinee, they quickly became one of […]

  • freestylemania wrote a new post 15 years ago

    TKA 2001 Interview **Through the efforst of TommyBoy rep, Lisa Brown, and to the guys of TKA, Freestylemania had the privledge of speaking to Tony of TKA about their new Continue reading

  • freestylemania wrote a new post 15 years ago

    Spanish Fly Interview

    We had the privledge of catching up with the original lead singer of Spanish Fly, Rock E AKA Lorenzo, back in 2007 Continue reading

    • it was a great interview and shed light on how things were back then. It was a personal side he had never shared publicly and we were glad to have showcased that many years ago. We miss him and was sad to hear of his passing due to Covid year befor last. His music will always live on.